Our staff, Journalist Dirce Ramiro and Special Diplomatic Envoy Cmdr. Manuel Fernandez, had the honor of being present at Brazilian Association of Peacekeepers Medals Ceremony in the Noble Hall of Câmara Municipal de São Paulo ( São Paulo City Council )
Journalist Dirce Ramiro
On the occasion, the Brazilian Association of Peacekeepers awarded medals to several military and civilian personalities, as well as politicians and businesspeople.
The 38-year work of the Brazilian Association of Peacekeepers is to keep the memory and ideals of Peace of the UN “blue helmets” present in everyone’s memory.
Left: Mr.Agostinho Plaça – Center: Journalist Dirce Ramiro – Right: Special Diplomatic Envoy Cmdr. Manuel Fernandez
Dr. Agostinho Plaça, a personality from Vale do Paraíba, was one of those honored at the event for his important social work in the State of São Paulo. A well-known person in the Paraíba Valley, Dr. Agostinho Plaça received the “Fiftieth Anniversary Medal of the Peace Forces in Brazil” on the occasion.