The IFBC Brazilian Blue Cross Society is a volunteer-led humanitarian agency that speaks out and campaigns on behalf of people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are.
We are part of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, and implement the mission themed programs and campaigns of the International Committee of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent.
We are the national delegation representing Brazil on the International Conference of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Movement (ICBCM).
We are working towards full consultative status as part of the International Federation Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Societies (IFBC), and organise the humanitarian activities of the Brazilian Blue Cross Society delegations district chapters under the direction of the IFBC Latin American Blue Cross Societies regional directorate.
The Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Society (BC) has been registered under the India Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 Registration Number S-E/682/2015.
Dr. Mithlesh Karna
Founder, Director and Secretary-General
Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Organizations